Flamboyant Rebel R.I.P.

May 6, 2020

Sir Peter Jonas, Director of English National Opera from 1985 – 1993 and Bayerische Staatsoper, Munich 1993 – 2006 has died. He was wild on and off stage. His productions of Wagner rendered traditionalists incandescent. He kept a “stink box” of poison pen letters from Wagner fans which he flourished with glee.

In a Parsifal – Wagner’s most religious work – production the hero swings into the action, Tarzan-like. Richard Strauss’ grandson walked out of an Elektra performance, disgusted by the gore. “We must be doing something right”, gloated Sir Peter.  He regularly appeared in Munich in full fig Highland dress. Claimed his grannie was a Campbell. He will be mourned by Westies everywhere.