A miraculous Puccini cornucopia at the Met

A miraculous Puccini cornucopia at the Met

“Buy one, get one free”! “BOGOF” – a marketing strategy now condemned by the environmentally overwrought – is a compelling sales gimmick, for soapsuds, socks (a bit complicated as you actually get 4), even opera. So, when the Met went further and announced the staging...

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The devil is in the detail

The devil is in the detail

I wonder if Arrigo Boito was a fan of Schopenhauer? Yes, I hear you say, “I’ve often wondered that, too… but who the hell is Arrigo Boito? And is Schopenhauer that chap who played for Bayern Munich in the 60’s?” This idle musing is prompted by someone – me – who had...

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Girls of the Golden West go critical

Girls of the Golden West go critical

John Adams’ new oeuvre, Girls of the Golden West does for California romantic gold rush mythology what his earlier opera, Dr. Atomic, did for the idea that the Manhattan project was a smoothly run scientific operation. It blows it apart. Premiered in San Francisco...

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“Doin’ the Charleston” – opera at the Spoleto Festival

“Doin’ the Charleston” – opera at the Spoleto Festival

“Man, I’m tellin’ you, it’s a lapazoo”! Come on, you remember, lyrics from “The Charleston”, that flapper dance number named after South Carolina’s historic, colonial gem, which “at last got you (South Carolina) on the map”? That was in the “Roaring 20’s”. Now, in the...

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The Rest is Opera:

Making opera fun for those of us who ain’t aficianados!

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